Additional Agreement in Italiano
Travelers have access to emergency services at no additional cost, either by phone call or SMS, including the transmission of caller location information. Operators should also provide information on the European emergency number 112, it was agreed. People with disabilities have access to emergency services at no additional cost. During the negotiations, MEPs pushed to remove surcharges for calls within the EU (e.B calls from Belgium to Italy), as consumers are still confused about the difference between roaming calls and intra-EU calls. Calls within the EU are currently limited to 19 cents per minute. The agreement provides for the Commission to examine the situation and whether a further reduction in the ceilings is necessary. Richard Pelly, Prime Minister of the EIF, said: “We are delighted to have signed this agreement, which will ensure an increase in the equity of Italian SMEs to finance innovation and growth. It will further increase the EIF`s own funds and ensure support for the Italian economy. The informal agreement must now be formally approved by Parliament and the Council to enter into force. The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy will vote on the text at a future meeting. The European Investment Fund (EIF) and the Fondo Italiano d`Investimento (FII) have signed a co-investment agreement aimed at strengthening the capitalisation, development and internationalisation of Italian SMEs with high growth potential by mobilising private funds under public auspices. Operators` wholesale prices charge each other if their customers use other networks when moving around the EU – €2 per gigabyte (GB) will be gradually limited from 2022 to €1 in 2027. Where consumers exceed their contractual roaming limits, the additional charges shall not exceed the wholesale roaming limits. “With this agreement, which is part of the EIB Group`s strategy to develop synergies with its Italian partners, the European Investment Fund, the fund through which the EIB Group invests indirectly in SMEs, is building on its twenty years of experience in the European risk capital market.
In Italy, SMEs are more the backbone of the economy than in other countries. The agreement signed today reaffirms our commitment with Italian institutions to support the economy and complements the framework agreements signed with the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, SACE, ABI and Confindustri and are already fully operational,” added Mr. Dario Scannapieco. The EIF will provide a first tranche of EUR 100 million, which will further enhance the leverage effect of its investments in Italy. The cooperation will thus enable both institutions to maximise their impact in Italy. The agreement covers both the exchange of information on investment opportunities and analysis, financial planning and monitoring. Cooperation will significantly increase the financial resources available to SMEs. It is also an important step towards improving the transparency of corporate governance of the investment funds in which the commitment is made, with the aim of attracting additional capital resources from domestic and international markets.
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