An Agreement Is Valid Mcq

18. In trade and commercial agreements, the intention of the parties to establish a legal relationship is (a) presumed to exist, (b) be expressly expressed in writing (c) Irrelevant or complete (d) Not applicable. 15. An agreement is: (a) Any promise and set of promises that constitute consideration for each other(b) Any promise to do or refrain from anything(c) Make sense of a person`s intention to keep the promise(d) Promise against a promise 6. Which of the following legal opinions is false? (a) A legally enforceable agreement is a contract [Section 2] 1.An agreement consists of mutual promises between at least 40.A sees B`s child drowning in water. He saves the child from drowning. Later, `B` promises to give `A`R. 1000. In these circumstances: (a) B`s liability arises in a quasi-contractual manner (b) B`s liability is legal (c) B is not liable because there is no contract (d) B is liable because the agreement is not “nudum pactum” and is based on previous volunteering 3. The contract is defined as a legally enforceable agreement, see . Q.29: – Agreements that restrict trade are; Q.35: – The consideration or the object of an agreement is lawful unless: Q.4: – An agreement that is legally enforceable at the choice of others or others is: 30. When an agreement suffers from uncertainty. It`s………..

(a) Voidable (b) Invalid (c) Unenforceable (d) Illegal. 31. What can invalidate an agreement: (a) coercion that causes consent, (b) undue influence that leads to consent, (c) fraud that causes consent, (d) error that causes consent.11 A promises his son to buy him a Maruti car if he comes first in his tenth grade exam. In this case: (a) The son can sue A for the car because there was a contract between him and his father A (b) The son cannot sue A because the contract was questionable at A`s choice (c) The son can sue A because he worked hard to believe A`s promise and fulfilled his part of the contract d) The son cannot sue A, because in domestic households like these, such commitments are not made with the intention of binding the parties to a valid contract.30 A applies to bankers for a loan at a time when the money market is strict. The banker refuses to expect loans at an exceptionally high interest rate. A accepts the loan of this clause In this case: (a) The contract is spoiled by undue influence (b) The contract is valid because it is the transaction in the ordinary course of business (c) The contract is invalid because the bank has unfairly exploited the rigor on the money market (d) The contract is at the choice of A who has been deceived by the banker, 23. Ramesh asks his servant to sell him his cycle at a price below the market price. Such an agreement between Ramesh and his agent: (a) is a valid contract( (b) Is a contract invalid from the outset due to undue influence (c) Is a contract voidable at the discretion of the employee because the contract has been affected by undue influence, (d) Is a contract void from the outset due to decision Q.7: – An agreement that is not legally enforceable, should be: 32. A sells a horse in an auction to B that A knows is not healthy.

A says nothing to B about the horse`s incompetence. In this situation( (a) the purchase contract is valid and it was not A`s obligation to disclose the actual condition of the horse (b) the purchase contract is void because it is affected by A`s fraud, by which it is A`s duty to disclose the truth (c) the purchase contract is voidable at B`s option because A cheated (d) the purchase contract is voidable at B`s choice, because of the fraud of A 19. In which of the following statements there is a valid contract: (a) A promises to pay Rs. 5,000 / – to B who saved “A” from drowning in a river (b) A promises to pay Rs. 5,000 / – to B if India loses in an Indo-Pakistani cricket match (c) A promises to pay Rs. 5,000 / – to B if B crosses the Himalayan Mountain on his feet within 3 days (d) A promises, Case. 5,000 / – to be paid to B if B works for A in his smuggling business 27. “A” threatened “B” with suicide if B did not employ him in his factory. Such an agreement may be avoided by B for the following reasons: (a) Undue influence (b) Criminal intimidation (c) Coercion (d) Coercion 11. Any legally enforceable agreement and promise is …………… (a) Offer 28. “Consensus – ad – idem” means …….

(a) General consensus (b) Meeting of opinions on the same thing along the same lines (c) Conclusion of an agreement (d) Conclusion of a contract 20. A agrees to serve B as B`s housekeeper and live with him in adultery at a fixed wage of Rs. 500/- per month. In this situation: a) The entire Agreement is illegal and therefore void b) The Agreement is lawful and valid since adultery is not a criminal offence under the Indian Contracts Act c) This first part of the Agreement, which is legal, is a contract while the last part is void d) The Agreement as a whole is void since the lawful Party is not separable from the illegal Party 37. A legally enforceable agreement at the option of either party(a) Valid Contract (b) Void Contract (c) Void Contract (d) Illegal Contract 31. All illegal agreements are ……….. (a) Null- ab- initio (b) Valid (c) Conditional (d) Enforceable What are the terms of a valid and binding contract? 2. A proposal, if accepted, will be: (a) an acceptance (b) A promise (c) A consideration for the promise (d) An agreement 23.

The agreement without consideration is valid if Q.42:- A agrees to pay B Rs 10000 if two straight lines are to include a space. The agreement is……………….. :6. The provision that an agreement that is not legally enforceable is void is contained in: (a) Article 2 (j) b) Article 2 (f) (c) Article 2 (g) (d) Article 2 (i) 18 A proposal if it is accepted – (a) Becomes a promise (b) Becomes an agreement (c) Becomes a contract (d) Becomes a consideration Q.20: – If consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud or misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract: 4. In the case of agreements of a purely internal nature, the intention of the parties to create a legal relationship is (x) An enforceable agreement at the choice of one or more of the parties, but not at the choice of others or others, is Q.45: If two or more persons have made a joint commitment, the promisor may, in the absence of an express agreement to the contrary, force the execution of the entire contract: 41. Which of the following conditions is a contract: a) An agreement to perform a lawful act by unlawful means(b) A duly signed written undertaking to pay the prescribed debt(c) A lawful trade restriction agreement(d) An agreement to pay Rs. 1000/- only without consideration 21. An agreement without consideration is (a) voidable (b) void (c) illegal (d) ineffective 34. X` applied for the main office of a local college, and the governing body passed a resolution appointing him.

After the meeting, one of the members of the governing body informed him privately of the decision. As a result, the resolution was repealed. X seeks damages. In this case: (a) X cannot claim damages because there was no official notification of an offer that X could validly accept, (b) X can claim damages because there was a private notification of the decision, which is considered an implied offer to X (c) X as an implied offer, so that it cannot claim damages (d) the management body cannot annul the decision once taken, X can claim damages. . . .